1a: Engagement Ring Quest
To propose to your girl friend, you will need an engagement ring.
Visit Alegro in Amoria to make one that will stun her socks off!
You have to prove your love for your girlfriend to Alegro before he agrees
to make you one though! ^^
1b: Prove your Love Quest
To prove your love for your girlfriend, you will need the help of various NPCs.
They can be found in all towns. Visit them and show proof of your true love towards your girl by completing various quests and missions!
You will need 4 Proof of Love to make a magical engagement ring!
After getting 4 Proof of Love, visit Alegro to get your engagement ring done!
Ores and Gems are required depending on the type of ring you select:
1c: Propose!
Now that you have an engagement ring, propose to your girlfriend!
Double-click on the gift box and a text box will appear.
Type the In Game Nickname of your girl friend (be sure to double check its correct!), confirm it and she will receive your proposal message.
If she accepts it by clicking "I Accept!", the engagement ring will appear in both your inventories!
Congratulations you're now engaged! Please do not delete the box, as it's required for the marriage ceremony.
step 2: make a reservation!
Prepare for the great day and invite your friends to share the bliss!
Party up with your fiancée and speak with Sister Magaret in Amoria Wedding Village for your wedding reservation.
A Wedding Ticket from the Cash Shop and Engagement Ring is required to make a wedding reservation.
There are 3 types of wedding reservation available in the Cash Shop, namely Cozy, Sweety and Premium Wedding.
Each type of wedding allows the bride and bridegroom to invite 5, 15 and 30 relatives/friends for the Ceremony.
Take note that after the invitation is being sent out, recipients are to re-login to receive the invitation
2b: Officiator's Quest
After making a reservation, your fiancée will need to speak with Minister Roberto who will ask her to seek Blessing from Gary and Shatima. S
he will need to show Gary and Shatima's Blessing for Minister Roberto to make the wedding ceremony official.
2c: Getting the Blessing
Speak with Gary and Shatima, and they will require you to prove your love for the man of your dreams.
After performing the task required, head back to Gary and Shatima and they will give you their Blessing.
Take the Blessing to Minister Roberto, and he will accept your invitation to officiate the Wedding ceremony.
(to be continued)..poopy